Friday 16 March 2012

Foundation Portfolio- The Evaluation- Question 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

When in the process of designing a music magazine, there are many key ingredients, i.e. conventions that you have to take into consideration. These include mastheads which are the main logos for magazines, advertisement puffs which are used to either promote a side story featured in the magazine or a product which is sponsored by the magazines shareholders, pictures and captions to go on the front page which also must include a central image to go on the front cover to match to the story of the front cover and so on. I tried to follow these rules as best as I could when I was designing my own music magazine and despite not being really familiar with the InDesign program, I have tried to make my design unique by having the creative idea of using two mastheads with one being written in backward text on a black background with the text coloured yellow and the other one being written in forward black text on a yellow background which gives the masthead a sort of a ying-yang approach. Beside from that the design of my magazine cover is still heavy influenced from other music magazines such as Kerrang! or NME which is mainly because of myself having a lack of experience with the programs used to create magazines such as InDesign and Photoshop. As for the design of my contents page, I have used four separate images positioned on the right side of the page which were all my own due to copyright issues, and the contents themselves, like one of the mastheads have been written in yellow text on a black background.

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